Ten Spiritual Lessons I Learned at the Mall

Paperback: 128 pages
Publisher: Findhorn Press (June 1, 2001)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1899171835
ISBN-13: 978-1899171835
Product Dimensions: 9 x 6.1 x 0.4 inches
Shipping Weight: 7.8 ounces

Product Description

If you were told that you are already enlightened, would you believe it?

If you were told that enlightenment is as easy as doing your weekly shopping, what would you say?

If you were told that the person serving your cappuccino is your spiritual teacher, would you just laugh?

Most of us have been taught that we must enter a spiritual path in order to 'become enlightened'. The idea is that if we work at it hard enough, attend dozens of seminars on spiritual topics, read enough books, etc., then someday, in this lifetime or the next, we will be struck by a cosmic lightning bolt, and in a sudden flash of insight will achieve full enlightenment.

Consider the possibility that we have been sold a myth, the 'myth of enlightenment'... In fact, we can find enlightenment anywhere, at any time, even in that most commercial and stressful place, the Shopping Mall.

What if enlightenment is something you can pick up with your groceries, or doing your Christmas shopping? What if the person serving you behind the jewelry counter is as much your teacher as the leader of your latest workshop? What if it's all as simple as keeping your eyes and ears open while you live your daily life, doing all those mundane chores you dislike so much? This could change your attitude in every moment, making all that you do much more fun and interesting. In Ten Spiritual Lessons I Learned at the Mall, James Twyman takes a humorous and insightful journey through a place where few would ever go to attain enlightenment. He discovers that we can find ourselves anywhere, even in a place where we would rather not be... especially in such a place. You will be with him as he spends five days at a mall in Toronto, acting as if he was on a retreat in a monastery or an ashram, asking the big questions and finding some amazingly simple answers. This book will change the way you experience your ordinary environment.
